How to cut processing costs with grid computing

Released on = May 22, 2007, 3:11 am

Press Release Author = GridwiseTech

Industry = Automotive

Press Release Summary = At the recent OGF/EGEE User Forum conference in Manchester,
Pawel Plaszczak, President of GridwiseTech explained strategies for scaling
processing capabilities to cut costs, including hooking up to external resources.
The session "How Can Business and Industry Profit from Using the EGEE Grid" took
place on the fourth day of Europe's largest Grid event. The conference gathered more
than 900 end-users, Grid experts and business representatives.

Press Release Body = Pawel Plaszczak demonstrated the benefits of integrating an
internal job management environment with external, on-demand resources. The
presentation was based on a real case study where a global manufacturer of
electronics was connected to the EGEE Grid Infrastructure. Apart from their
independent consulting services, GridwiseTech also provided a software solution that
enabled delegating jobs from corporate resources to the grid middleware of EGEE.

\"We\'ve been working with GridwiseTech for some time and were very happy to have them
at our User Forum because engaging with business is a high priority for us" - said
Erwin Laure, EGEE Technical Director. "GridwiseTech help bridge the gap between
academic Grids and the commercial sector by speaking a language business can
understand, and have already got major organizations interested in the work of

The presentation "How Can Business and Industry Profit from Using the EGEE Grid" can
be downloaded from

Experts from GridwiseTech will be also present at the forthcoming International
Supercomputing Conference, held on 26 - 29 of June in Dresden, Germany.

About GridwiseTech
GridwiseTech provides vendor-independent consulting and comprehensive technical
assistance in Grid computing solutions, including integration of middleware
(Platform LSF, Sun Grid Engine, Moab etc.) with Web portal development. The company
is present in Europe, Asia and the US, serving a wide variety of clients ranging
from Fortune Global 500 companies to small and medium enterprises, to research and
government agencies. For more information please visit

About EGEE
EGEE is the world\'s largest multidisciplinary Grid infrastructure that processes up
to 50,000 jobs per day. GridwiseTech has recently joined the EGEE Business Associate
program, a framework for collaborative work in many areas between the EGEE project
and the business community.

Web Site =

Contact Details = GridwiseTech
Chrobrego 28/4, Krakow, Poland
tel. +48 0122947120

Press contact
Lukasz Wilczynski
Tel: +48 0122947120
Mob: +48 505098062

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